
Autodesk Maya 2012 下载地址

Autodesk® Maya® 提供了有助于制作和重用角色动画的强大新工具:改进的蒙皮功能和非破坏性实时运动重定向。其新的 3D 剪辑时间线可以加快可视化预览和虚拟电影制作工作流程,而集成的用户界面有助于提高制作人员的效率和创造力。Maya凭借大型场景的高性能视口显示、集成的色彩管理、场景分割、改进的对位和新的用户界面工具包,可以满足当今苛刻的制作要求。由于支持 64 位 Mac OS® X 以及 Linux® 和 Windows® 操作系统,Maya 现在比以前使用更方便,以超凡的价值为制作人员提供了一个端到端的创作工作流程。
Autodesk Maya 软件支持您:以更短的时间创建更好的角色—利用Autodesk® Maya® 软件的下一代动画工具与工作流,以更短的时间,创建变形更真实蒙皮角色,更轻松地重新指定现有动画数据。
探索可视化预览与虚拟影片制作—利用新的三维编辑能力,以单一动画序列布局和管理多个摄影镜头。 您也可以利用EDL与Apple® Final Cut Pro®与Avid 等编辑系统进行数据交换。
利用简化的数据工作流提高效率—使用新的工作流来细分、重新利用与交换数据。 其能帮助您分割场景,更好地管理数据复杂性与尺寸,促进协作。
实现更好的效果与用户体验—升级来获得全新用户体验,帮助您更快地完成工作。 重新设计的Nokia Qt UI 提供可锁定的功能、更加灵活的编辑器、新的颜色选择器与新的文件浏览器。
在您的Mac上体验更高性能—利用Mac OS® X操作系统上新的64位处理能力,使用更多的内存来处理更大、更复杂的场景。
Autodesk® Maya® 3D animation software delivers an end-to-end creative workflow with comprehensive tools for animation, modeling, simulation, visual effects, rendering, matchmoving, and compositing on a highly extensible production platform. Whether you work in film, games, television, advertising, publishing, or graphic design, Maya offers state-of-the-art toolsets, combined into a single affordable offering designed to help meet today’s demanding production requirements. Autodesk® Maya® 2012 delivers new toolsets for previsualization and game prototyping, extended simulation capabilities, and improved pipeline integration.
New features in Maya 2012
Viewport 2.0 Enhancements: Evaluate your work in a higher fidelity environment with full-screen effects in the high-performance viewport.
Node-Based Render Passes: Create and edit node-based representations of render passes directly within Maya, to verify and refine your work.
Editable Motion Trails: Edit animation directly in the viewport without the need to switch context to the graph editor.
Sequencer Enhancements: Reorder clips, edit In and Out points, and change camera assignments in the new Sequencer Playlist.
Substance Procedural Textures: Achieve a vast range of look variations with a new library of 80 Substance procedural textures.
Craft Animation Tools: Easily create believable, complex camera movements that mimic real-world setups, with 4 new camera rigs from the Craft Director Studio™ animation tool.
New Simulation Options: Create compelling dynamic visual effects in less time, with new simulation options that incorporate industry-leading technology into Maya.
HumanIK Enhancements: Working with characters is now easier in both Maya 2012 and MotionBuilder 2012, with an enhanced interface and unified solver for HumanIK® technology (formerly implemented as FBIK in Maya).
Homepage: http://usa.autodesk.com/maya/
date April 08th, 2011
type 3D
size DVD 32x50mb
Autodesk Maya 3D animation software delivers an end-to-end
creative workflow with comprehensive tools for animation,
modeling, simulation, visual effects, rendering, matchmoving,
and compositing on a highly extensible production platform.
Whether you work in film, games, television, advertising,
publishing, or graphic design, Maya offers state-of-the-art toolsets,
combined into a single affordable offering designed to help meet todays
demanding production requirements. Autodesk Maya 2012 delivers
new toolsets for previsualization and game prototyping, extended
simulation capabilities, and improved pipeline integration
http //www.autodesk.com
Unpack, burn or mount with D-Tools install
Check Crack/install.txt on DVD
No Lame Patching, no problems with updates, no problems exporting
to a legal version, no trial patched, no files modified etc ...
The one and only way to do it - KEYGEN - fully activated
date April 08th, 2011
type 3D
size DVD 30x50mb
Autodesk® Maya 3D animation software delivers an end-to-end
creative workflow with comprehensive tools for animation,
modeling, simulation, visual effects, rendering, matchmoving,
and compositing on a highly extensible production platform.
Whether you work in film, games, television, advertising,
publishing, or graphic design, Maya offers state-of-the-art toolsets,
combined into a single affordable offering designed to help meet today’s
demanding production requirements. Autodesk Maya 2012 delivers
new toolsets for previsualization and game prototyping, extended
simulation capabilities, and improved pipeline integration.
http //www.autodesk.com
Unpack, burn or mount with D-Tools install.
Check Crack/install.txt on DVD
No Lame Patching, no problems with updates, no problems exporting
to a legal version, no trial patched, no files modified etc ...
The one and only way to do it - KEYGEN - fully activated
Autodesk Maya 2012 下载地址如下

